Panorama Ridge
Location: Panorama Ridge Summit
Photo Date: July 2023
I summited my dreams this summer… after 8 years of scrawling bucket lists with Panorama Ridge etched on the pages. My husband and I did it!! We hiked panorama ridge.. This hike holds so much personal meaning to me. 8 years ago, I could barely hike Quarry Rock, I would struggle immensely due to my weight and complete lack of fitness. During covid, I started to run, I fell in total love with running and hiking. I made lists and goals of certain hikes I wanted to achieve one day.. slowly ticking them off.. Panorama Ridge was always the shining star! I would talk about to anyone, how I longed to hike this epic challenge, and how I never could before. This summer after a first failed attempt 2 summers ago during a rainy spout- we came prepared! Both physically and mentally… we did it!!!! And it was one of the best moments of my life.
Learn more about the hiking trail to Panorama Ridge.
Contest Year Submitted: 2023