Whatcom Trail
Location: Manning Park-ish
Photo Date: August 2011
My family & I hike up to this lake in the picture every year since I can remember. We usually go for 4 days. The 1st day is 7 hours and 3500 feet with a 60lbs pack. The 2nd and 3rd are the 'day trip' days made from our lake-side basecamp. This picture was taken while ascending one of the 3 mountain peaks that surround the lake. There was snow everywhere! Which made it trecherous to climb. Very slippery. But the way down was the funnest I've ever had Hiking. Imagine skiing down a Black diamond sloped run wearing hiking shoes! Was the best hiking year ever. I dont even care if I win this...I just want to share this amazing experience with everyone.
Contest Year Submitted: 2011