- Difficulty Easy
- Time 2 hours
- Round-Trip 6km
- Elevation Gain minimal
- Season year-round
- Camping No
- From Vancouver 45 minutes
- Public Transit Yes
- Dog Friendly On-Leash
Mundy Park is a beautiful community park located in Coquitlam, about 45 minutes east of Vancouver. The park is well used by children's sports leagues and is a popular place to go for a walk.
Start your walk from the east park entrance off of Mariner Way in the gravel parking lot area. Cross the paved path and follow the gravel pathway into the forest until just a short distance later, you reach Lost Lake on your right. Enjoy the view of the lake before continuing your walk to the first junction.
The park has a network of trails but there are three main trails that make it easy to plan out your walk. The Perimeter Trail is a 4km loop that wraps around the entire park area. There are two trails that cross through the middle of the park which are just over 1km each. One is called the Interlaken Trail, which travels in a east / west direction, and the other is the Waterline Trail, which travels in a north / south direction. For our purposes, we will follow the Perimeter Trail in a counter-clockwise direction.
At the first junction after Lost Lake, go right onto the Perimeter Trail and follow the well maintained pathway north. The trail briefly merges with the paved path before veering off to the left again, back into the forest. Go left at the next junction, following the signage marking the Perimeter Trail.
The next intersection is with the Waterline Trail. This is one of the trails that crosses the entire park from north to south. Continue straight on the Perimeter Trail for several more minutes before making a left at the next junction as you begin to head south.
The trail continues up a short hill before approaching some of the sports fields on the right. On weekends, these fields are often very busy with community sports teams. For a short side trip to Mundy Lake, go left onto the Interlaken Trail and then a quick right onto the Old Logging Trail as it descends down to the light. Dogs are prohibited from the Mundy Lake area as it is considered a sensitive habitat area which can be easily disturbed. Continue along the side of the lake and make your way back to the Perimeter Trail near the baseball fields.
The trick in Mundy Park is to watch the signage to make sure you are staying on the Perimeter Trail as there are many other short trails that head out of the park into the surrounding neighbourhood.
At the south end of the park, the trail goes left and gradually descends passing by several muddy pools. The trail then meets with the Waterline Trail before continuing. After the second junction, you have return to the spot where you started your walk. Go right, passing by Lost Lake and returning to the gravel parking lot along Mariner Way.
How to get to Mundy Park
Estimated Driving Time from Vancouver
45 minutes
Mundy Park is located in the community of Coquitlam, east of Vancouver. To drive to the park, drive east through Vancouver towards Highway #1 and take Highway #1 eastbound. Follow Exit #37 Gaglardi Way and cross over the highway until you reach the second set of lights at Lougheed Highway. Turn right onto Lougheed Highway and get in the left lane. At the second set of lights next to the mall, turn left onto Austin Road.
Follow Austin Road as it goes uphill past the Vancouver Golf Course and continues through the community of Coquitlam until eventual reaching a light at a 3-way stop. Turn left at the light onto Mariner Way and drive a short distance to the set of lights at Chilko Drive. Make a left into the gravel parking lot at the lights.
Note: Google Maps and other GPS systems show a different route to the park. These routes might be a bit shorter but the route up Austin is a easy route to follow.
View a map of Driving directions to Mundy Park.
Transit Access to Mundy Park
Mundy Park is accessible by bus by taking bus #152 from Lougheed Station via Austin. The bus stops right next to the parking lot on the east side of the park along Mariner Way. Check with Translink for details.

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