46 Trails
- Alice Lake
- Howe Sound
- Easy
- 2 hours
- 6km
- April - November
- Beaumont Marine Park
- Southern Gulf Islands
- Intermediate
- 2.5 hours
- 5.2km
- year-round
- Black Tusk
- Whistler
- Difficult
- 11 hours
- 29km
- July - October
- Brae Island Regional Park
- Surrey and Langley
- Easy
- 1 hour
- 4.2km
- year-round
- Brandywine Meadows
- Whistler
- Difficult
- 3.5 hours
- 6km
- July - October
- Bridal Veil Falls
- Fraser Valley East
- Easy
- 0.25 hours
- 0.8km
- May - October
- Brohm Lake
- Howe Sound
- Intermediate
- 5 hours
- 7.5km
- April - October
- Campbell Valley Regional Park
- Surrey and Langley
- Easy
- 1.5 hours
- 4km
- year-round
- Cheakamus Lake
- Whistler
- Easy
- 5 hours
- 16km
- May - November
- Derby Reach Regional Park
- Surrey and Langley
- Easy
- 2.5 hours
- 8km
- year-round
- Elfin Lakes
- Howe Sound
- Intermediate
- 6 hours
- 22km
- July - October
- Falls Lake
- Fraser Valley East
- Easy
- 1 hour
- 2km
- May - October
- Fort To Fort Trail
- Surrey and Langley
- Easy
- 2.5 hours
- 8km
- year-round
- Frosty Mountain
- Manning Provincial Park
- Difficult
- 8 hours
- 22km
- July - September
- Garibaldi Lake
- Whistler
- Intermediate
- 6 hours
- 18km
- July - October
- Gold Creek Falls
- Ridge Meadows
- Easy
- 2 hours
- 5.5km
- year-round
- Golden Ears
- Ridge Meadows
- Difficult
- 12 hours
- 24km
- July - September
- Golden Ears Canyon Loop
- Ridge Meadows
- Intermediate
- 4 hours
- 12km
- April - October
- Harrison Grind
- Fraser Valley East
- Difficult
- 6 hours
- 7km
- March - November
- Helm Lake
- Whistler
- Difficult
- 9 hours
- 26km
- July - October
- Hicks Lake
- Fraser Valley East
- Easy
- 2 hours
- 6km
- year-round
- Homesite Caves Trail
- Sunshine Coast
- Easy
- 0.75 hours
- 1.5km
- year-round
- Joffre Lakes
- Pemberton
- Intermediate
- 4 hours
- 10km
- June - September
- Lightning Lake Loop
- Manning Provincial Park
- Easy
- 2.5 hours
- 8.5km
- July - September
- Lightning Lakes Chain Trail
- Manning Provincial Park
- Intermediate
- 7 hours
- 19km
- June - October
- Lindeman Lake
- Fraser Valley East
- Intermediate
- 2 hours
- 3.4km
- May - October
- Mike Lake
- Ridge Meadows
- Easy
- 0.75 hours
- 2km
- year-round
- Mount Norman
- Southern Gulf Islands
- Easy
- 1 hours
- 2.8km
- year-round
- Nairn Falls
- Pemberton
- Easy
- 1.5 hours
- 3km
- year-round
- Othello Tunnels
- Fraser Valley East
- Easy
- 1 hour
- 3.5km
- May - October
- Panorama Ridge
- Whistler
- Difficult
- 11 hours
- 30km
- July - October
- Porpoise Bay
- Sunshine Coast
- Easy
- 0.5 hours
- 1km
- year-round
- Roe Lake
- Southern Gulf Islands
- Easy
- 1 hour
- 2.6km
- year-round
- Rohr Lake
- Pemberton
- Difficult
- 6 hours
- 10km
- July - September
- Rolley Lake
- Fraser Valley East
- Easy
- 2 hours
- 5km
- year-round
- Ruckle Loop
- Southern Gulf Islands
- Easy
- 0.5 hours
- 1.3km
- year-round
- Semaphore Lakes
- Pemberton
- Intermediate
- 3 hours
- 6.8km
- July - October
- Seven Sisters Trail
- Fraser Valley East
- Easy
- 1 hour
- 3km
- year-round
- Stawamus Chief
- Howe Sound
- Intermediate
- 6 hours
- 11km
- March - November
- Teapot Hill
- Fraser Valley East
- Easy
- 2 hours
- 5km
- year-round
- Three Brothers Mountain
- Manning Provincial Park
- Intermediate
- 7 hours
- 21.5km
- July - September
- Tynehead Regional Park
- Surrey and Langley
- Easy
- 1.5 hours
- 4.5km
- year-round
- Watersprite Lake
- Howe Sound
- Intermediate
- 7 hours
- 17km
- July - September
- Wedgemount Lake
- Whistler
- Difficult
- 7 hours
- 12km
- July - September
- Widgeon Falls
- Ridge Meadows
- Easy
- 6 hours
- 15km
- year-round
- Yeo Point
- Southern Gulf Islands
- Easy
- 4 hours
- 9.6km
- year-round
Regions: Vancouver City, The North Shore, Howe Sound, Whistler, Pemberton, Fraser Valley East, Tri Cities, Tsawwassen and Delta, Surrey and Langley, Ridge Meadows, Lower Sunshine Coast, Manning Park
Filters: Public Transit, Camping, Dog Friendly, No Dogs Allowed